What is the importance of body language for students? – 8 Secrets

Do you have any knowledge about the importance of body language for students? Are you aware of the importance of body language for students?  Is it necessary to teach students how to maintain their body language? Body language plays a crucial part in the lives of everybody.  

Anne Parillaud a French actress said; “For an actress, her body language is very essential, even if the body is not used in an athletic way but to become free, you should use it like your voice. A body can have incredible violence even if it is small as a body talk.”  

Confident body language is the chief and dominant characteristic of a person which shows the personality of a person. Everybody needs to understand the importance of body language for students as it plays an indispensable part in their personality development.  

Importance of body language for students

The importance of body language for students should be explained to students and teachers. It is necessary to make them aware of the benefits of good body language in the classroom. People who are aware of the importance of body language for students have a good academic background. It enables people to understand many words which are nonverbal and understand many actions.  

“Hearing what is not even said is the most important part of effective communication”, says Peter F. Drucker, an Austrian-American educator, and author.  

It is important to know how humans understand other people in communication and how they translate the words and actions of people around them.  

A study by an expert in body language, Albert Mehrabian in1981 explained, that humans focus 7% on words,55% on body language, and 38% on the tone of voice for effective communication. Human beings pay 90% of their attention to body language and tone of voice than to the actual words. This study elaborated that how the nonverbal part of communication is understandable to the brain and it shows the importance of body language in communication.

It is necessary to focus on verbal communication as well as to note the gestures, expressions, and nonverbal cues of other individuals.  Many people think that understanding body language is an art and not everyone is blessed with this magical sixth sense and this shows the importance of body language for students.  

Helen Fisher a German singer, entertainer, and dancer, said; “Everywhere in the world, women are better at reading and understanding body language. It’s related to a female hormone estrogen and that’s why they are better at figuring the tone of voice, reading your expressions, posture, and gestures.”   

I hope that you are understanding the importance of body language for students. Now read about the benefits of good body language for students for good results in classrooms and exams.  

Benefits of good body language for students

There are many incredible benefits of good body language which can elaborate on the importance of body language for students. I have mentioned some mind-blowing benefits of good posture in my article.  

1. Helps students in engagement

Body language is a significant factor that plays important role in the life of students and even after student life. The benefits of good body language are very impressive and some of them show the importance of body language for students as well. One of the major benefits of having good body language as a student is that it helps in engagement and it connects students to their class.  

An experiment by Psychology Professor Stephen Ceci showed how body language changes the academic results of students. He used two different methods in two individual classes. One method was a boring and typical body language and the other was exciting, happy, cheerful, and active body language. In the end, he received good results from the students of the expressive and active class in every single aspect.  

Having good body language is the same as having a good sense of communication and engagement with others.  

2. Boost the confidence of students

The importance of body language for students can be briefed under the substantial benefits of good body language. One of the considerable benefits of amazing body language for students is that it helps them boost confidence in public speaking and generally as well. Body language boosts the confidence of students and helps them in becoming successful students.   

A study in Health psychology showed that people who sat with good posture during an interview had high self-esteem than other peers who slouched during the interview.  

When students are confident and believe in their abilities, they start exploring new things. Confidence helps students in picking their battles on their own and they learn to praise their achievements. It encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities, affects grades, and develops a confident mindset.  

3. Improve the low self-esteem of students

A perfect, confident, and active body language is one of the top qualities of a brilliant student. You can learn the importance of body language for students and the importance of body language in the classroom from the fact that it helps students to improve low self-esteem and become more self-aware.   

It is significant for children and students to have good and high self-esteem for many reasons as it has effects on every part of their lives. Good body language boosts the self-esteem of students and increases the growth of their mindset.   

Martha Graham, a famous American choreographer and dancer said that; “a body can never lie.”  

It helps them in focusing only on the positive part and encourages them to learn about themselves. When students have high self-esteem, they never compare themselves with the success of others and they never let anybody steal their sparkle.  

4. Make them attentive and active

When students have good body posture and active body language, they look attentive in the classroom. A great body language helps students to stay active in the class as compared to a sluggish or lazy body posture. The importance of body language for students can be seen in many benefits of good posture.  

“Whatever you do, your actions speak louder than whatever you say and whatever you say cannot be heard,” says Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist, and lecturer.  

Body language helps students to remain active in the classroom and they participate more in class when they are actively listening to their lectures. It helps them in ignoring all the distractions that can disturb their studies.  

When students are active in class, they ask more questions and engage more with their teachers. It helps them in connecting with their environment and it also enhances their learning ability.  

5. Helps students improve social interactions

Body Language helps students in improving their social interaction skills and they get confident when they have good body language. It helps them in an effective communication with others. The importance of body language for students is that it helps them in developing communication skills and makes their self-esteem high.  

According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, an Austrian-British philosopher said; “The best picture of the human soul is the body of the human.”  

Body language helps students in developing important social skills such as survival skills, interpersonal skills, listening skills, etc. It helps students in developing strong bonds and relationships with their class fellows. They improve communication skills and also their flexibility to work with others comfortably increases. Body language helps students in building good friendships with others and it helps them in overcoming shyness.  

6. Reduce shyness and awkwardness

Students who have good body language are more socially active and they are not shy about anything. Body language reduces shyness and awkwardness in students and they become confident in talking.   

Norman Reedus, an American actor said; “I am truly an honest person and I can also get socially awkward.”  

Schools need to understand the importance of body language for students because it makes students open their hearts. When students are not shy and they do not get embarrassed, they become expressive and confident about their emotions.   

“I can speak two languages at once, the body and English,” says Mae West, An American film actress, and singer.  

Shyness can lead to many embarrassing situations for students and it can be a little emotionally painful thing for students. But not anymore, if students learn to compose their emotions and their bodies by adapting and learning good body language skills.  

7. Boost the persuasive ability of students

It is necessary to know the importance of body language for students as it helps them boost their persuasive ability. Persuasive ability refers to the ability of an individual to persuade other people to do a certain thing or say something.   

“If you want to persuade or influence someone to say, do or buy something, then you should use their gestures and body language”, says David Ogilvy who is a British advertising tycoon.  

Students whose persuasion skills are good can present remarkable presentations and their persuasive ability highlights their assignments.   

Deborah Bull, an English dancer, and writer said; “Body language is like a very powerful and strong tool. We were blessed with a body first before we even had speech. And 80% of the conversation that you understand is read through the body and not by the words.”  

Students who can influence others have good leadership qualities and they have amazing management skills. Having good body language that looks flawless and bold can give a huge impact and influence others and help students in appearing as good leaders.  

8. Makes their life happier and stress-free

When students have great posture and body language, they appear more relaxed and chill. Everyone needs to understand the importance of body language for students because it has a huge positive impact on the lives of students. Those students who have confident body language are more cheerful than those who have passive body language. Good body language makes people feel comfortable and their life becomes stress-free.   

William James, an American philosopher, and psychologist said; “The ability of a person to choose an individual thought over another is one of the greatest weapons against the stress.”  

Students who have relaxed body language are more intellectual individuals and have good personalities as well.  


Here are some most searched questions about the importance of body language for students. 

Q: What are body language and its importance?  

Body language is a wide range of different nonverbal signs and gestures that you can use to show actions and communicate your emotions, feelings, and intentions to others. It includes your gestures, body postures, facial expressions, etc. Body language plays a very important and crucial role and it shows your ability to understand others and interpret what other people are thinking from their body language.  

Q: Why is body language important in our daily life?  

Maintaining good body language will help you throughout your life. Whether it’s at home, at work, at a party, or a casual gathering with friends. It enhances your thoughts, and personality and brings out who you are.  Body language is necessary for everyone and the importance of body language for students is huge.

Q: What your body language says about you?  

Posture can provide a wealth of information and knowledge about how a person feels, as well as clues to personality traits such as people who are confident, open, obedient, etc. For example, sitting upright and straight may indicate that the person is focused and aware of what is happening.  


I hope that now you understand the importance of body language for students after reading my article on this amazing topic. Read more articles on other categories and obtain more knowledge. 


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