How to study fast without forgetting? – 10 Best Tips

Every student wants to be efficient in studies and needs to know how to study fast without forgetting?. A horrendous occurrence that comes to every student’s life is an Exam or a test. It is normal to feel like you have forgotten everything you have studied when entering the exam hall. When writing in an exam, you might think, why am I not able to remember what I study?
To score well and be brilliant in your exams, you should know how to memorize something fast? How to cram for an exam? Or How to study fast without forgetting?. The foremost thing you should understand for studying effectively is that It is not the number of hours you are utilizing for studying but the efficiency you are putting in. Therefore, try to consolidate the concepts by analyzing them attentively.
Make sure to improve your studying and memorizing skills.
Once Martin Luther King said that your abilities and talents get improved over time, but you have to start for that.
Before your exam, it is common to be frightened of forgetting whatever you have studied. Thus, learn productively and assimilate some beneficial tips and tricks that help in cramming for an exam. These tips and ways will help you overcome your fear of neglecting the key concepts and make you able to learn how to study fast without forgetting?.

- 1 Tips To Study Fast Without Forgetting
- 1.1 1. Read the Whole Text Thoroughly
- 1.2 2. Keep Everything Composed and Arranged
- 1.3 3. Study in a Good Mood
- 1.4 4. Stay Away from Distractions
- 1.5 5. Utilize Tree Structure Technique
- 1.6 6. Revise Previous Topics
- 1.7 7. Take Short Breaks During Studying
- 1.8 8. Maintain an Appropriate Sleep Pattern
- 1.9 9. Teach Other Friends or Fellows
- 1.10 10. Test Your Memorizing Capability
Tips To Study Fast Without Forgetting
Students get stressed out and feel pressurized at exam time. They need guidance, motivation, and some effective strategies that help them in preparation for the exam. Some incredible and fruitful ways to not forget what you have learned are described below.
1. Read the Whole Text Thoroughly
To learn anything without forgetting, first of all, read the text with full concentration and focus. Underline the main points or main words and memorize them instead of learning the whole paragraph. An important tip on how to not forget the lessons, you have to develop a strong grip over the main points. So later, while writing in the exam, you can explain those main points or keywords in your words.

Also, while reading, look for visual representations of concepts because visual stuff is upheld in memory for a long duration. Diagrams, graphics, and charts make cramming for an exam more convenient, and you can study fast without forgetting.
2. Keep Everything Composed and Arranged
The best tip on studying fast without forgetting is to keep your place, study material, notes, and other stuff in a well-organized manner. A well-composed and delicate environment considerably impacts your memory. If you have a messy place where you are studying, You can never concentrate on your concepts.
Similarly, if your notes and study material are chaotic and unsettled, your time will be wasted finding out the proper page or notes you need. And after all this, you get so exhausted that you can not memorize your lessons effectively. So if you want to know how to memorize something fast? Be organized.
3. Study in a Good Mood

How to cram? How to not forget? Why am I not able to remember what I study? All these questions are causes of mental stress for many students. Therefore, if you also want to uncover the fact of not forgetting things, make sure to memorize them in a good mood. When you are serene, you can conveniently focus on your studies.
According to Leonardo da Vinci, if you study without desire, it spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.
If you are angry, frustrated, or mentally disturbed, you cannot focus properly. And as a result, you forget what you studied. Good mood assists in how to study fast without forgetting. There are more chances that you do not forget the things in the exam to study with a positive mindset and willingness.
4. Stay Away from Distractions
To memorize things, the best way is to study at a place where you have no distractions. If your mind keeps getting distracted repeatedly, you will forget what you read. Take a room in your home no one moves toward frequently to disturb you. A noisy area makes it difficult for you to retain the information.
To learn how to cram or how to memorize something fast, turn off your cell phone and stay away from social media. The cell phone is the biggest distraction of most students. Switch it off and concentrate on your studies.
5. Utilize Tree Structure Technique
You can draw a tree structure to remember important things as a tip on how to study fast without forgetting. Take a specific topic and note important points as headings. Write the name of the topic at the top and make headings on the leaves of that tree. In this way, you can also add subheadings to each heading.
And at the end, you will get a visual and simple representation of important points of every topic. How to cram is not a big issue; you can rapidly use these trees of topics to revise things before your exam. It will surely help you to memorize and study without forgetting.
6. Revise Previous Topics

Revision is the best tool to help memorize things handily, and you can study fast without forgetting. If you read something one day and never look at it back, it will get removed from your memory. Therefore, learn a lesson and the next day revise it because recalling will make it move from your short-term to long-term memory. And you will not forget it while giving an exam or a test and you will learn how to study fast without forgetting.
Once Ray LeBlond said that;
You could learn something every day if you pay attention.
Revision is the best way for how to study fast without forgetting. The more you read a topic, the more you get familiar with it. Therefore, if you keep revising the lectures daily, it will be tough for you to retain the information in the exam.
7. Take Short Breaks During Studying
Continuously studying for a long time make you stymied, and your brain gets exhausted. Therefore, to study fast without forgetting, make sure to take a break after an hour or two. Take time to relax, and after a break, if 10 to 20 minutes, again start learning with a fresh mind.
If you are bored of reading a certain topic, Shuffle the topics and choose one that you can memorize with full focus.
Also, it can help in cramming for an exam if you switch between the subjects. Study a subject for at least an hour and then choose another subject, so that you can maintain your interest in studies and not forget anything in the exam.
8. Maintain an Appropriate Sleep Pattern
Sleep is a valuable and significant aspect that impacts your memory. Take care of your sleep and get at least the recommended sleep of 7 to 8 hours daily. How to study fast without forgetting will be a considerable problem for you if your mind is not fresh.

You should take care of your health and sleep to study effectively and improve your memory. A lack of sleep will make your mind and memory inefficient.
One thing that you can do is to make a quick revise session before going to bed. So that after sleeping, this information will be moved to your long-term memory. And eventually, you will get over how not to forget things you have studied.
9. Teach Other Friends or Fellows
A method of how to study fast without forgetting is to revise your concepts again and again. You can do this by helping your classmates or friends and teaching them different topics.
Once, an American politician said that If you strive for success without hard work, it is like harvesting where you have not planted.
When you learn something, you might miss some important details, but you can understand many new things when teaching someone. That will make your concept robust, and there are fewer chances of forgetting it in the exam. Thus, you must incorporate this tip on how to study fast without forgetting.
10. Test Your Memorizing Capability
Suppose you keep learning more and more and try to cover as much as you can but cannot understand what is described in the topic. There is no advantage to it. Therefore, test your mental capability by recalling different things several times in a day. Make sure to study just those things that you can comprehend. Testing your mental capacity would be beneficial for how to memorize something fast.
- These are some ways how to study fast without forgetting that you can follow when preparing for your exams or test. Hopefully, you will perform well in your studies and be successful in your academic life.